Anniversaries – Are They Worth It? – Webinar Short
Director of Methodology and Practice Braden Paynter examines the complicated role of historic anniversaries in advocacy efforts. View the resource here.
Director of Methodology and Practice Braden Paynter examines the complicated role of historic anniversaries in advocacy efforts. View the resource here.
MoreThis roundtable will highlight the nexus between transitional justice and atrocity prevention by focusing on the role of psychosocial support, documentation and archives in upstream prevention and the need for gender justice in larger prevention efforts.
MoreSites of Conscience examine different types of contemporary collecting around civil rights, activism and truth and reconciliation efforts. View the resource here.
MorePresenters consider dialogue used by Sites of Conscience to examine what is necessary for dialogue to be effective. View the resource here.
MoreAn image from the 1948 Palestinian exodus, known in Arabic as the Nakba.
Photo credit: CPA Media Pte Ltd / Alamy Stock Photo
MoreAn in-depth exploration of the challenges, successes and best practices related to memorialization in post-conflict settings, this toolkit is a collaborative effort by Sites of Conscience members from a variety of post-conflict settings including Bangladesh, Russia, East Timor, Chile, Liberia and Northern Ireland.
MoreIn this webinar, hear from the six Community Engagement Grant awardees as they share their projects. This is part one of a series of Coalition…
MoreTHE INTERNATIONAL COALITION OF SITES OF CONSCIENCE Founder and Board Member Emeritus Ruth J. Abram describes the founding and early defining principles of the International…
MoreHear from Sites of Conscience as they share ways that intangible cultural heritage can strengthen communities. View the resource here.
MoreMaking Chega! A Reality: Memory and Memorialization in Timor-Leste is a report from Coalition’s 2011 Asian Sites of Conscience Regional Meeting. The report discusses the use of memory as a mechanism to contribute to post-conflict reconstruction and reconciliation. Held at the invitation of the United National Post Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation, the gathering was attended by Coalition members from Bangladesh, South Korea, Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia, Timor-Leste and the United States.
MoreCasa Memoria José Domingo Cañas comparte acerca de su ardua labor para la protección de derechos humanos en Chile. Vea el recurso aquí.
MoreSrebrenica-Potocari Memorial Center & Cemetery talks about their work preserving and honoring the stories of the Srebrenica Genocide. View the resource here.
MoreAshley Rogers, Executive Director of the Whitney Plantation, talks about the museum’s history, activities, and challenges posed by Covid-19. View the resource here.
MoreExamples of effective memory initiatives from Sites of Conscience across the globe inspire thoughts on Covid-19 and memorialization. View the resource here.
MoreThis toolkit was created for teachers, activists, memory practitioners and others seeking resources for innovative educational approaches to addressing past human rights violations and divided…
MoreIn this webinar, ICSC’s Senior Specialist in Methodology and Practice Linda Norris will speak with Ihor Poshyvailo from Maidan Museum, a Site of Conscience in Kiev about the immediate and long-term effects of such destruction and how cultural workers in Ukraine are actively attempting to counter these attacks.
MoreSites of Conscience, offering strategies and examples of effective memorials and memory initiatives that honor loss in times of crisis. View the resource here.
MoreAsociacion Caminos de la Memoria – El Ojo que Llora El presente informe narra la experiencia recogida en la implementación del proyecto CONSTRUYENDO UN DIÁLOGO…
MoreDrawing on ICSC’s “State of Truth in the World Report“, published by its GIJTR, this webinar highlights the pivotal role played by civil society organizations…
MoreDeveloped by Coalition member, Afghanistan Human Rights and Democracy Organization (AHRDO), the Memory Box initiative provides a space for the victims of Afghanistan to tell their stories of loss and resilience in the face of the country’s violent history of mass murder, genocide, palace revolutions and unrelenting political upheaval. Victims explore their personal and collective histories through a 3-5 day reflective process that results in the creation of physical spaces of remembrance entirely produced by the victims themselves.
MoreMovements for memory can take many forms – from campaigns that advocate for national policies and laws to more spontaneous gatherings of activists that incorporate…
MoreNATIONAL MUSEUMS NI This evaluation of The Troubles and Beyond explores the methodology behind the curation of the collection. The approach is described as being…
MoreWritten in 2007, this report covers the deliberations of the United States Institute for Peace memorialization working group that explored the role of memorialization in promoting, jeopardizing, or impairing social reconstruction and reconciliation in societies emerging from violent conflict. The authors, Ambassadors Circle member Judy Barsalou and Victoria Baxter, provide a matrix of recommendations for actors interested in assisting in using similar processes.
MoreTo spark action on transitional justice in America, on June 16, 2022 the Coalition launched Transitional Justice in America, a six-episode podcast series that raises awareness…
MoreFor countries rebuilding in the wake of violence and repression, memorials, museums and places of memory represent a critical terrain where the past is confronted and conflict can be addressed. This article focuses on the work of the International Coalition of Sites of Conscience and an evaluation of the youth programs of three of its members: the Liberation War Museum in Bangladesh, the Monte Sole Peace School in Italy and the Villa Grimaldi Peace Park in Chile. The evaluation found that the sites had a number of impacts on the young people who visited them, including changing opinions, raising awareness, improving relationships, encouraging civic engagement and increasing emotional understanding of the human consequences of atrocity. The article questions how such impacts relate to wider social processes (for example, human rights reform, violence prevention and transitional justice) and how social and political processes affect the potential for individual and group impacts.
MoreTHE GLOBAL INITIATIVE FOR JUSTICE, TRUTH, AND RECONCILIATION French and English This toolkit, Violence Prevention and Dialogue, was managed by the International Coalition of Sites of Conscience (ICSC)…
MoreUsing examples from members, presenters will show how Sites of Conscience use histories to spark action. View the resource here.
MoreHistorians, activists and museum practitioners discuss ways how to transform divisive objects/spaces into ones that support racial equity. View the resource here.
MoreWitnesses and the Changing Goals of Memorialization, published in 2016, explores how the selection of who are chosen as witnesses to violence and how they are allowed to participate in memorialization effects memorialization’s ultimate impact on larger society. The article features the work of three Sites of Conscience – Afghanistan Human Rights and Democracy Organization, Liberation War Museum (Bangladesh), and Monte Sole Peace School (Italy)