Safeguarding Memory: Approaches to Security in Memory Work

To continue supporting the daily work of Sites of Conscience in complex contexts and conditions around the world, ICSC is hosting a two-day, four-hour global virtual training, which will share key concepts, best practices and tools to carry out this work more securely. Safeguarding Memory: Approaches to Security in Memory Work is open to all ICSC members and will be held on Zoom on June 10 and 13, 2024, from 8:30 am – 10:30 am EST / 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm CET. The sessions will offer simultaneous interpretation in English, French, Spanish and Arabic.

The training will be led by Security Specialist, Brett Edwards, a human rights attorney and management consultant with over 15 years of experience in working with partners from different contexts around the world. Sessions will cover best practices for common security issues, tools for how to improve security management within your organization, and tips for identifying and mitigating common risks. There will also be an opportunity to share experiences with and hear from other Sites of Conscience on issues related to security and risk management.