Red Colombiana de Lugares de Memoria – RCLM

The Red Colombiana de Lugares de Memoria – RCLM is comprised of 28 places of memory located in different regions of Colombia, some of which have been working for more than 20 years on initiatives related to memory, truth and peace.

The network brings together academic, cultural and artistic knowledge from urban, black, indigenous and peasant communities. The RCLM supports actions that allow it to fulfill its objective of strengthening, articulating, making visible and protecting places and sites of memory, as the foundation of a country that is built on justice, respect for diversity, with a participatory social democracy, which respects the dignity and rights of all individuals and communities.

Red Colombiana de Lugares de Memoria – RCLM
Calle Nueva Creación con Popayán Esquina
Tumaco Nariño Colombia